[Asterisk-Users] Configuring Asterisk

Derek Whitten derek at kfuq.net
Thu Feb 10 10:24:46 MST 2005

Are you using 2.6.x kernel?

I had some similar issues with that which resulted in hacking the
linux-hotplug scripts so the devices would get created properly..

On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 06:12, Daniel del Castillo wrote:
> Hey list,
> I'm having problems to get running *. I don't have any digium hardware
> yet. I just want to perfrom some tests using SIP. I compiled asterisk
> and zaptel with ztdummy enabled on Fedora Core 3. When I try to start
> ztdummy I get the following message:
> localhost# modprobe ztdummy
> Notice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
> line0: Unable to open master device /dev/zap/ctl
> 1 error(s) detected
> FATAL: Error running install command for ztdummy
> I have look into /dev directory and there is no such directory called
> zap, but there is a file called zapctl. How can I fix it? Where can I
> find information about all the configurations I need to get * running
> using SIP? I have the vm1-draft1.pdf but I think it's not clear enough
> (where I should do all that configurations?).
> Thanks...


 ,()))))))),.       >>huh-huh<<         ,---,,,_
 ()))))))//((\     Check it out,       (         ))
(\\( \))( \(/)    Beavis...we're,     (            )
/(          \\  like, in "ASS-kee."   (            )
//       _   \    >>huh-huh-huh<<     (_(_((((     )
//   \  /    \   /                     (    , \    )
\   (.  .    \  /                      |   /   )   )
(,     |    ,)     Yeah. >>heh-heh<<   |\ /    (   )
 \   ^\/^   /      That's COOL! Hey,   (.(.)    S  )
 \          /     Butt-Head...you're    /_       \ )
  \ (-<>-) /         an "ASS-kee."  \  /__)   ^   \/
   \  --  /           >>heh-heh<<       /____/    |
    \ __ /                             )______    |
     |  |       //\/\\/\//\/\//\/\\\/\        \   |
  __-|__|-__   \                      /     __-\__|-__
 (          )  > BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD <    (          )
 |_|AC//DC|_|  /                      \    |_| MTVu |_|
 | |      | |   \/\//\/\\/\\/\//\//\/\ TM  | |      | |

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