[Asterisk-Users] Re: E&M Wink problems

creslin at digium.com creslin at digium.com
Thu Feb 3 15:00:06 MST 2005

On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 03:08:57PM -0500, Aidan Van Dyk wrote:
> * Dennis Walker <dwalker at jackson-tube.com> [050203 13:59]:
> > Try setting 
> > 
> > emdigitwait=500
> > 
> > this is the time it waits for DTMF digits on a E&M T1 channel
> This only came into CVS-HEAD on Jan 6:
> 	http://asterisk.bkbits.net:8080/asterisk-cvs/cset@41dd4ebdp3-IRNZYoA5GkxzQ5pooFA
> Any chance of this being applied to the 1.0 branch as well?  Or will I
> have to carry this change locally?

I wouldn't think it would be back-ported to CVS-STABLE, unless you can
convince Russell that it's not a "new feature".  Stable branch is meant
to not change a lot... i.e. "new features" don't go in.

Matthew Fredrickson

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