[Asterisk-Users] Busy Extension Ring to alternate.

Daniel Joos joosfamily at speakeasy.net
Thu Feb 3 07:51:24 MST 2005

I know that with Voicemail you can either do voicemail(u<extension>) or voicemail(b<extension>), but with the Sipura SPA-841's I need to be able to roll lines from one extension to an alternate on the phone. For example:

If extension 100 is busy, it will ring extension 120 on the same phone, and if that is busy it will ring 140, and then if it hits line 4 with no response, it will then finally go into voicemail.

Could I do:

exten => 100,1,DIAL(SIP/b100,20,rt)
exten => 100,2,DIAL(SIP/b120,20,rt)
exten => 100,3,DIAL(SIP/b140,20,rt)
exten => 100,n,Voicemail(b100)
exten => 100,s+1,Hangup

Would this work?



P.S. Has anyone found resources on how to program the LED's on the SPA-841's?

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