RES: [Asterisk-Users] AgentLogin / AgentCallbackLogin transfer pro blem

Diego Magalhães diego at
Wed Feb 2 13:10:09 MST 2005

Hmm i found the problem... I´m using a Grandstream BT100. The transfer just
works in a queue if I first acknowledged the call using the # key, and then
press the TRANSFER key in the Grandstream.

In the asterisk console I receive a:

  -- SIP/4002-4563 acknowledged

Then I can transfer the call... Weird because i´m using ackcall=NO in
agents.conf ...

Diego Magalhães
diego at
+55 24 22335134

-----Mensagem original-----
De: asterisk-users-bounces at
[mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at] Em nome de Hecken, Guido
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2005 15:18
Para: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Assunto: RE: [Asterisk-Users] AgentLogin / AgentCallbackLogin transfer pro

Which kind of transfer do you use?
Try using the # transfer.

Hope that helps..

Guido Hecken

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Diego Magalhães [mailto:diego at] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2005 17:21
An: asterisk-users at
Betreff: [Asterisk-Users] AgentLogin / AgentCallbackLogin transfer problem

Hello guys,

I´m running Asterisk CVS-HEAD-02/01/05-12:22:46 and having a problem with
call transfers using the cmds AgentCallBackLogin and AgentLogin...

First Case (using cmd AgentCallbacklogin):

	When the incoming call comes and enters the queue, the agent logged
in answer the call. But when I try to transfer this call to another agent,
the incoming call is dropped. I don't receive any error message in asterisk
console...Just a Hungup 'Zap/94-1'

Agent/1234 -> exten 4000
Agent/1235 -> exten 4001

	Here is the log from console:

    -- Executing Answer("Zap/94-1", "") in new stack
    -- Accepting call from '5997' to 's' on channel 0/1, span 4
    -- Executing ResponseTimeout("Zap/94-1", "10") in new stack
    -- Set Response Timeout to 10
    -- Executing BackGround("Zap/94-1", "blah") in new stack
    -- Playing 'blah' (language 'en')
  == CDR updated on Zap/94-1
    -- Executing Goto("Zap/94-1", "tech|s|1") in new stack
    -- Goto (tech,s,1)
    -- Executing Wait("Zap/94-1", "1") in new stack
    -- Executing BackGround("Zap/94-1", "tech-greeting") in new stack
    -- Playing 'tech-greeting' (language 'en')
    -- Executing Queue("Zap/94-1", "tech_people|tT|||300") in new stack
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Zap/94-1
    -- outgoing agentcall, to agent '1234', on 'Local/4000 at agents-b24a,1'
    -- Executing Dial("Local/4000 at agents-b24a,2", "SIP/4000|20|tTwW") in new
    -- Called Agent/1234
    -- Called 4000
    -- SIP/4000-12c8 is ringing
    -- Agent/1234 is ringing
    -- SIP/4000-12c8 answered Local/4000 at agents-b24a,2
    -- Agent/1234 answered Zap/94-1
    -- Stopped music on hold on Zap/94-1
  == Spawn extension (agents, 4000, 1) exited non-zero on
'Local/4000 at agents-b24a,2'
  == Spawn extension (tech, s, 4) exited non-zero on 'Zap/94-1'
    -- Hungup 'Zap/94-1'

Second Case (using cmd AgentLogin):

	When the call comes from queue the agent logged hears a Beep and
starts the conversation with the other part. If I transfer the call to
another agent (let´s suppose Agent/1234 transfer the incoming call to
Agent/1235), then the call is transfered successful, but the Agent/1234
loses the hability to answer more incoming calls and gets "freezed"

Output of show agents:

1234         (Agent_1) logged in on SIP/4000-2074 is idle (musiconhold is

If I try to login again with that agent I receive a "That agent is already
logged on" message.

    -- Executing AgentLogin("SIP/4000-abe4", "4000") in new stack
    -- Playing 'agent-incorrect' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'agent-pass' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'agent-alreadyon' (language 'en')

I think there is a problem with AgentCallBackLogin and transfers, because
with AgentLogin I transfer the call successfully (except with this
incovenience of "already logged on" described).

Another point is that I could transfer any call if I not use Queues.

Any help with AgentCallBackLogin would be great.

Thanks in advance,

Diego Magalhães

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