[Asterisk-Users] IAX native transfers

Denis Galvão - iSolve denis at isolve.com.br
Tue Feb 1 12:49:07 MST 2005

Em Ter 01 Fev 2005 16:27, Bruno Hertz escreveu:
> On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 16:27 +0000, Gareth Blades wrote:
> > Unattended transfers just does nothing. I cannot get it to do anything.
> Not sure about this, but I'm under the impression that the # transfer
> might need some client support.
> E.g. I tried gnomemeeting -> * -> NAT -> * -> firefly and # did nothing.
> But when using sjphone instead of firefly it worked. So my guess is that
> when sending the callee to a different extension, the callee's client
> must support it. Or it may actually be an IAX problem, as sjphone is SIP
> of course. Didn't try another IAX client, so a definitive answer would
> interest me as well ...

I believe that your problem is related to DTMF problems with your 


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