[Asterisk-Users] UK, Disconnect supervision

Peter Hoppe peter at radioworldwide.org
Wed Dec 28 05:39:34 MST 2005


many thanks for your reply. The  adapter has firmware version 3.1.3(GWa).

Does that version have problems with diconnect tones? Would you 
recommend I should upgrade? Can you give me some reasons or point me to 
resources (apart from google) where I can research further? What would 
you say are the risks of upgrading?

I am usually a bit anxious about firmware upgrade because I have that 
fixed  idea that   EITHER   the new firmware may break other features 
(like - registration problems with SIP provider, connectivity issues and 
  so on)   OR   there may be some problem during firmware upgrade which 
damages the device in question. For example, for the Grandstream 
Budgetone 100 phone, power outage during firmware upgrade from TFTP will 
damage the device(1). And I can't fix it once it's broken; it's not like 
a computer where I simply reinstall the OS / put in a new component etc. 
Once it's gone, it's gone.
My  fears are probably totally unfounded, but better safe than sorry. So 
I wouldn't upgrade unless there are good reasons to do so (if it ain't 
broke, don't fix it).

But thanks very  much for that hint. I actually have two other adapters, 
and they may be way out of date: 2.0.13(GWg) -  so they may really need 


(1)    BudgeTone-100 User Manual, version, section 6.1: 
"Upgrade with TFTP", warning: The device WILL get damaged if there is a 
power outage during firmware upgrade. Grandstream STRONGLY recommend 
customer maintain UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY during firmware upgrade. 
This damage is NOT covered by the manufacture warranty. Grandstream will 
NOT take any responsibility for this kind of damage. Please be very 
CAREFUL when doing firmware upgrade.

> Which firmware version are you using on your spa3000?
> Peter Hoppe wrote:
> || Hello!
> || 
> || This is actually less a question than some information, if anyone else
> || struggles with the same issue.
> || 
> || I am located in the UK and use a Sipura-3000 adapter to connect to a BT
> || line (via fxo port). One problem I had was that disconnect supervision
> || didn't work:
> || 
> || Some caller phones me (my adapter)
> || adapter goes off-hook (answers call)
> || caller hangs up
> || adapter doesn't realize and stays off hook.

dyslexics of the world - untie !

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