[Asterisk-Users] Re: Grandstream Budge Tone 102

Tomislav Parcina tparcina at lama.hr
Fri Dec 23 07:37:54 MST 2005

In article <43ABE8D0.9070202 at g7ltt.com>, g7ltt at g7ltt.com says...
> This is a stable, well used firmware version. It fixes a load of faults 
> that have plagued users.  You should be fine

Thank you. I have dowlnoaded and upgrade the firmware. The main reason 
why I did this is because of NTP server. Phone doesn't work with NTP 
server which other phones (Cisco 7905, 7940) work.

Do you have the same problem?


Tomislav Parcina
ime.prezime at email.t-com.hr

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