[Asterisk-Users] inbound routing with amp and TDM400

asterisk at frameweb.it asterisk at frameweb.it
Tue Dec 20 05:26:49 MST 2005

Hi all,

Is there a way (via AMP ) to route a call based on  the DID , or better
based on the inbound channel number

I had non problems doing that with AMP and with digium PRI Cards, but now
for the first time I am trying to use a TDM400 card

It seems that DID is non populated.

I also tryed this:

;## ora la scheda TDM400 con 4 moduli rossi (da linea) (fxs)

callerid="Linea 1"<0123456789>
channel => 1
callerid="Linea 2"<9876543210>
channel => 2
callerid="Linea 3"<0123456789>
channel => 3
callerid="Linea 4"<0123456789>
channel => 4
;channel => 1-4

and I tryed to define the inbound routing based on the callerID 9876543210;
non chance at all.

If it were a way to route the incoming call according to che analog channel
which is "ringing", it could be ok for me.

thanks in advance,


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