[Asterisk-Users] Bonded ethernet ports and *

Julio Arruda jarruda-asterisk at jarruda.com
Tue Dec 13 18:14:30 MST 2005

Rich Adamson wrote:
> Last, the bonding of two nics at the server level _requires_ the associated
> switch interface to support the exact same bonding algorithm. Historically,
> that has been a problem for many switch vendors.

Not so sure I understand, but if you mean, 'the algorithm to select a 
link(usually a hashing of some layer source/destination to ensure 
sequence)' ? This would not really to match in both ends, AFAIK.

In some implementations I've worked with, the non-use of proprietary 
protocols to 'establish/maintain' the LAG/whateveriscalledit group would 
force you to use 'static' assignments of the members, but other than 
that, not big deal..(counting on RFI for failure detect and etc helps...)

> Short answer... I'd never do it. Long answer... think in terms of high
> availability "systems"; the nic card is the least concerning.

There are quite few carriers using similar 'bonding' to dual core 
ethernet routing switches doing "split-MLT", where the 2 chassis would 
'look like' a single box with bonding/FEC/MLT links, so is more than NIC 
card only. I would go as far as say that most of the time is done for 
redundancy, not for bandwidth (call signaling and announcements only 
voice bearer)

Anyway, it would seem to me the original poster was looking for 
redundancy, not really 'added bandwidth'.

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