[Asterisk-Users] Re: EAGI Audio Capture

ha i hai_2k at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 6 06:58:27 MST 2005

Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 21:48:56 -0800 (PST)
From: ha i <hai_2k at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] EAGI Audio Capture
To: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
<20051206054856.34294.qmail at web35613.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Hello Everyone,

Why EAGI is made so complex? The audio captured with
the EAGI-perl script on voip-info.org is almost not
useful. The clarity of the audio is pathetic. Am i
missing something??? I have Digium TDM 12B. I can get
calls to my VoIP phone ok thru TDM and asterisk. But
when i use EAGI-perl script, neither GSM nor RAW audio
file created after capture sounds clear. Lot of noise
and voice can not even be heard. 

Please Help!!! 


EAGI-perl script: 
# Note that this example doesn't check the results of
AGI calls, and doesn't use 
# Asterisk::AGI in an attempt to keep it simple and
dependency free. 
# This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify 
# it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
# Author: Simon P. Ditner / http://uc.org/simon 
# Usage: 
# - Create an AGI in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin, i.e.:
# - Call using EAGI from your dialplan: exten =>
use warnings; 
use strict; 

use IO::Handle; 

$| = 1; # Turn of I/O Buffering 
my $buffer = undef; 
my $result = undef; 
my $AUDIO_FD = 3; # Audio is delivered on file
descriptor 3 
my $audio_fh = new IO::Handle; 
$audio_fh->fdopen( $AUDIO_FD, "r" ); # Open the audio
file descriptor for reading 

# Skip over the preamble that Asterisk sends this AGI 
while( <STDIN> ) { 
last if length($_) == 0; 

# Playback beep 
print "STREAM FILE beep \"#\"\n"; $result = <STDIN>; 

# Record 5 seconds of audio at 8,000 samples/second
(uses 16 bit integers) 
# 5 seconds x 8000 samples/second x ( 16 bits /
8bits/byte ) = 80000 bytes 
my $bytes_read = $audio_fh->read( $buffer, 80000 ); 

# Playback beep 
print "STREAM FILE beep \"#\"\n"; $result = <STDIN>; 

# Write the raw audio to a file for later analysis 
my $fh; 
open( $fh, ">/tmp/recording.raw" ); 
print $fh $buffer; 
close( $fh ); 

# Also convert the raw audio on-the-fly to the GSM
format using 'sox', so that 
# we can play it back to the user right now. 
open( $fh, "|/usr/bin/sox -t raw -r 8000 -s -w -c 1 -
/tmp/recording.gsm" ); 
# | | | | | | | 
# | | | | | | '-- Write to this file 
# | | | | | '-- Read from STDIN 
# | | | | '-- Mono Audio 
# | | | '-- Samples are words (a word is 2 bytes = 16
bit audio) 
# | | '-- The audio is signed (32766..-32766) 
# | '-- The sample rate is 8,000 samples/second 
# '-- The input format is SLIN, which is 'raw' audio 
print $fh $buffer; 
close( $fh ); 

# Playback /tmp/recording.gsm 
print "STREAM FILE /tmp/recording \"#\"\n"; $result =


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