[Asterisk-Users] nested dial, or jump to another line to continue dialing.

El Flynn el_flynn at lanvik-icu.com
Wed Aug 31 19:07:26 MST 2005

Joseph wrote:
> Here is a session with "D()"
> exten => _51,1,Dial(SIP/4791270 at pstn-5665,30,D(wwwwww218))
> Executing Dial("SIP/11-3dec", "SIP/4791270 at pstn-5665|30|D(wwwwww218)") in new stack
>     -- Called 4791270 at pstn-5665
>     -- SIP/pstn-5665-713c is ringing
>     -- SIP/pstn-5665-713c answered SIP/11-3dec
>     -- Goto (office-open,s,1)
>     -- Executing Wait("SIP/pstn-1270-e0f5", "2") in new stack
>     -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/11-3dec and SIP/pstn-5665-713c
>     -- Executing Answer("SIP/pstn-1270-e0f5", "") in new stack
>     -- Executing NVBackgroundDetect("SIP/pstn-1270-e0f5", "welcome|t") in new stack
>     -- Playing 'welcome' (language 'en')
>     -- Executing Goto("SIP/pstn-1270-e0f5", "1|1") in new stack
>     -- Goto (office-open,1,1)
> It is not passing DTMF(218)
> -----------end session "D()"-------------

Without looking at your dialplan for the context that SIP/4791270 belongs to, 
what's most likely happening is the pauses are too short or too long. I've just 
dialed out to my cellphone to test this, and yes i do hear the DTMF when I pick 
up my cellphone.

You can create a simple test for this -- dial to your mobile phone or landline, 
pick up the call and see if the DTMF is passed.


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