[Asterisk-Users] nested dial, or jump to another line to continue dialing.

El Flynn el_flynn at lanvik-icu.com
Wed Aug 31 06:05:27 MST 2005

Joseph wrote:
> Is it possible to do nested dial() command on one line, 
> Dial number, wait new seconds, dial another number etc.
> or dial number and jump to another line to continue dialing.
> D(ww) doesn't work as it sends DTMF but before the call is bridged, and
> I need to send numbers after the call is bridged. 

If you do a "show application dial" at the CLI:

       'D([digits])'  -- Send DTMF digit string *after* called party has answered
              but before the bridge. (w=500ms sec pause)

Hmm.. it does say that DTMF is sent *after* called party has answered. it's been 
working for me since asterisk-1.0-RC2


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