[Asterisk-Users] Updated Patch to chan_agent.c for PREACKANNOUNCE

Greg Boehnlein damin at nacs.net
Fri Aug 26 17:58:00 MST 2005

On Fri, 26 Aug 2005, Hadar Pedhazur wrote:

> Hmmm. I am often surprised when I don't get a response to a post that I 
> think would interest at least _one_ person in the community. This one 
> surprised me a little more, since I offered some code ;-).
> This morning, I just got a bounce notice that it was undelivered, which 
> might explain it, except that I received the original post back through 
> the list, so I don't understand it at all...
> Anyway, I solved the one "bone-headed" problem that I describe below, 
> namely why did the agents show up in one DB and not the other. I didn't 
> set the "persistent" keyword in the agents.conf file (doh...).
> All of my other questions still apply, as well as my offer to share the 
> code/patch.

I just got your message and responded to it! ;)

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