[Asterisk-Users] fedora core 3 kernel source - could someone throw the dog a bone!

Harald Holzer hholzer at may.co.at
Wed Aug 24 14:56:03 MST 2005

> I know this is a question with an obvious answer to some, but I am not
> one of them.
> Installed FC3, but this time I decide to update since my ISOs are a bit
> old, so typical yum update
> Downloaded the FC3 SRPM for my kernel 2.6.12...
> Installed the SRPM package
> Ran rpmbuild -bp -target=i686 kernel-2.6.spec

why to recompile the kernel package ?

> Tried to build zaptel
> -         error; You do not appear to have the sources for the
> 2.6.12-1.1372_FC3smp kernel installed.

yum install kernel-smp-devel
ln -s /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/ /usr/src/linux-2.6

should help ;-)

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