[Asterisk-Users] RealTime ignoringswitch=>Realtime/context@realti me_ext

Matthew Boehm mboehm at cytelcom.com
Wed Aug 24 08:05:07 MST 2005

John Novack wrote:
> I also experienced some difficulty in connecting to mysql, though for 
> CDR, using HEAD from 2/24/05 and finally discovered that the 
> CDR_mysql.conf wanted the host NAME in hostname, while res_mysql.conf 
> wanted the IP address. Both Asterisk and mysql on the same machine, 
> running RH9

	Both modules should be able to use either hostname, IP, or local 
socket. They both use the same mysql API code to connect to the server.

	If mysql and asterisk are on the same machine, why aren't you using 


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