[Asterisk-Users] Transferring from cell phone Revisited
Chris Coulthurst
asterisk at shuksan.com
Mon Aug 22 06:20:40 MST 2005
Same problem as before. The features.conf has the default settings of *1
the this and *2 for that, and the # for transfers. They are uncommented.
They do not work for me.
And if this is something I'm doing wrong (I hope), I would really prefer a
double-# strike in quick action, since so many things including voicemail
like the pound key. Since *1 is a pre-set option, I assume that you can do
this, as well as set the interdigit requirement?
Asterisk CVS-HEAD built by root at morse.shuksan.com on a i686 running Linux on
2005-08-15 18:11:51 UTC
Chris Coulthurst
chris at shuksan.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Coulthurst" <asterisk at shuksan.com>
To: "Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion"
<asterisk-users at lists.digium.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Transferring from cell phone
> Its left as default, and when I press the # nothing happens, but the
> remote caller doesn't hear the DTMF tone.
> Chris Coulthurst
> chris at shuksan.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michiel van Baak" <michiel at vanbaak.info>
> To: <asterisk-users at lists.digium.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 10:05 AM
> Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Transferring from cell phone
>> On 22:31, Mon 15 Aug 05, Chris Coulthurst wrote:
>>> I set up a context to allow me to call in to my * server (via Teliax in
>>> this case using IAX2) from my cellphone, and let me do a number of
>>> things, including dial other extensions, AND dial outbound again so
>>> callers could see my proper work CallerID when I use this service. Is
>>> there a way to be able to transfer calls to other extensions of my
>>> asterisk server FROM the cell phone/ This isn't a Zap channel, so I'm a
>>> bit lost, but did specify the 'T' option in dial. Here's my context.
>>> Is this possible to do??
>>> [aa_chris_disa]
>>> exten => s,1,Read(DIALNUM,custom/enter-num-then-pound,21)
>>> exten => s,2,Playback(connecting)
>>> exten => s,3,GotoIf($[${LEN(${DIALNUM})} < 5 ]?4:8) ; IF SHORTED THAN 5,
>>> its internal so dial internal
>>> exten => s,4,SetCallerID("Chris Mobile" <205>)
>>> exten => s,5,Dial(Local/${DIALNUM}@unlimited/n) ;DIAL INTERNAL EXTENSION
>>> exten => s,6,Playback(call-terminated)
>>> exten => s,7,Goto(aa_chris_start,s,1)
>>> exten => s,8,Gotoif($[${LEN(${DIALNUM})} = 7]?s,9:s,14) ;IF 7 DIGITS
>>> exten => s,9,SetCIDNum(9999999999)
>>> exten => s,10,Dial(${IPTRUNK}/360${DIALNUM},,T)
>>> exten => s,11,Dial(SIP/360${DIALNUM}@telasip-gw,,T)
>>> exten => s,12,Playback(all-circuits-busy-now)
>>> exten => s,13,Goto(aa_chris_start,s,1)
>>> exten => s,14,SetCIDNum(9999999999) ;NUMBER ISNT 7, OR LESS THAN 5 SO
>>> exten => s,15,Dial(${IPTRUNK}/${DIALNUM},,T)
>>> exten => s,16,Dial(SIP/${DIALNUM}@telasip-gw,,T)
>>> exten => s,17,Playback(all-circuits-busy-now)
>>> exten => s,18,Goto(aa_chris_start,s,1)
>>> exten => i,1,Goto(aa_chris_start,s,1)
>> Did you modify features.conf ?
>> If not, what happens if you puch the # key on your cellphone
>> when connected to * ?
>> If you did change it, try the key you configured there for
>> transfer :)
>> --
>> Michiel van Baak
>> http://michiel.vanbaak.info
>> michiel at vanbaak.info
>> GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7E0B9A2D
>> "Why is it drug addicts and computer afficionados are both called users?"
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