[Asterisk-Users] sccp help

Stefan Gofferje stefan at gofferje.homelinux.org
Fri Aug 19 00:49:56 MST 2005


On 9:04:57 August 19, 2005 stevanus <step-one-too at bdg.centrin.net.id> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to connect cisco 7910 into asterisk system using
> chan_sccp.so. But I got a major issue :
> I've tried different versions of chan_sccp, yet the result were still
> the same.

Which version of chan_sccp did you use? Sourceforge or Berlios? There is a
new fork of chan_sccp by Sergio Chersovani who started work some weeks ago
and did an almost complete rewrite of the channel. This version supports a
lot more features on various phones and has a lot less bugs.
You could find it at chan-sccp.berlios.de (official site) or chan-sccp.org
(unofficial site). There is a related mailinglist at berlios.de where
Sergio does a hell of a lot of support (unless he is one vacation like at
the moment :-) ) and gladly accepts bug reports :-).


 (o_   Stefan Gofferje            | SCLT
 //\   Reg'd Linux User #247167   | VCP #2263
 V_/_  Heckler & Koch - the original point and click interface

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