[Asterisk-Users] Newbie Trying to make 'catch all extension' but is catching voicemail exit!

Steve Gladden Asterisk at MichiganBroadband.com
Thu Aug 18 19:34:22 MST 2005


Running CVS HEAD about 3 weeks old,

I have been beating my head trying to get this to work properly..
Or at least figure out what's going on.
Maybe I have done things wrong...

I have created a 'catch all' extension at the end of our last context
where all phones & voicemail extension exist.
This catch all is included in all and works quite nicely except
when voicemail is normally exited after leaving a message.

The catch-all is intended to play an error message when someone dials
a wrong extension.

Which it does just fine and that works perfectly!

What does not work is that when someone goes to leave a voice message and
presses # to end and then 1 to save the message....
as the voicemail exits, it does not find hangup (h,1) or hangup but
goes and finds the catchall message!

The catch all extension I use is _. (match everything).

and also tried _X. (match any numeric) don't match special extensions.

I put this at the very end of the last context in my dialplan
and it does show up at the end as expected when you do a show dialplan

I've tried matching h t and i to no avail...
when voicemail terminates it still always plays my fatfingers
catchall that is intended only for misdialed numbers.

It's like voicemail is trying to go somewhere that is invalid as it
I just do not know what that somewhere is!
I must be missing some really simple point here :-)



;normal extension & voicemail

exten => 4102,1,Dial(SIP/4102,44,tT)
exten => 4102,2,Voicemail(u4102)

; of course putting a (exten => 4102,3,hangup)
; fixes the problem...
; but I'm trying to learn where the heck it's trying to go when voicemail
; terminates!
; if there is no 4102,3 in the context why is it not finding
; the h, that is!?

[last]  ;(included at end of all contexts) with an include statement

exten => t,1,hangup
exten => h,1,hangup
exten => #,1,hangup
exten => i,1,hangup; also have tried only the h,1 of course ;-)

exten => _X.,1,answer
exten => _X.,2,wait(1)
exten => _X.,3,playback(vm-extension)
exten => _X.,4,sayalpha(${EXTEN})      ;reads back invalid #
exten => _X.,5,wait(1)
exten => _X.,6,playback(fatfingers)    ;lets them know it was incorrect
exten => _X.,7,Wait,2
exten => _X.,8,playback(fatfingers)
exten => _X.,9,Wait,2
exten => _X.,10,playback(fatfingers)
exten => _X.,11,hangup

;exten => h,1,playback(goodbye)

and a lookie from the prompt:

show dialplan last
[ Context 'last' created by 'pbx_config' ]
  '#' =>            1. hangup()                                  
  'h' =>            1. hangup()                                  
  'i' =>            1. hangup()                                  
  't' =>            1. hangup()                                  
  '_X.' =>          1. answer()                                  
                    2. wait(1)                                   
                    3. playback(vm-extension)                    
                    4. sayalpha(${EXTEN})                        
                    5. wait(1)                                   
                    6. playback(fatfingers)                      
                    7. Wait(2)                                   
                    8. playback(fatfingers)                      
                    9. Wait(2)                                   
                    10. playback(fatfingers)                     
                    11. hangup()                                 

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