[Asterisk-Users] realtime caching

Matthew Boehm mboehm at cytelcom.com
Wed Aug 17 06:42:54 MST 2005

> We have a web interface where users can update their dialplan online
> (not in production yet). The web page modifies the mySQL record.
> It seems that some options are not re-read when caching is on, for
> example, changing the caller ID value in the sip table has no effect
> until a reload (or expiration), so at least in some cases rtcahcefriends
> makes realtime notsorealtime.

	No. It is doing exactly what it says it will, "cacheing". If you have 
rtcachefriends turned on, when a peer/user registers the info is pulled 
from DB and added to the internal (a la 'in memory') list that chan_sip 
maintains. If you change something in DB after this occurs then your 
changes won't take affect because chan_sip has no need to re-lookup your 
phones info since the info is already present in memory.

	What you can do is use "sip prune realtime <name>" to remove just the 
single peer/user from memory. And you can force a reload of that peer 
from realtime by using "sip show peer <name> load".

	If you want pure realtime where chan_sip always pulls from db, then 
turn caching off. Keep in mind that turning caching off will remove MWI 
and NAT functionality.


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