[Asterisk-Users] Simple Fax question

Jeffrey Starin jeffs at speakeasy.net
Mon Aug 15 16:46:03 MST 2005

Strange things.

When I run the RxFAX command through an internally dialed extension, I 
can *hear* fax tones, meaning, I presume, that the RxFAX application is 
running.  In fact, doing a show application confirms that.  So, I'm 
presuming RxFAX application is talking as it should.

However, inbound fax calls (tones) are not being detected.  I know that 
my extensions file is corect. I am ONLY running SIP.  I've seen this 
question posted here several times and no one answers: is it possible to 
have fax tones detected if you are only running SIP protocol without any 
digium hardware or cards?  Not running IAX protocol.  Can some kind soul 
please answer this simple question, if known.

Running Asterisk CVS-HEAD-05/23/05

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