[Asterisk-Users] Cisco and "protocol application invalid"

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Sun Aug 14 12:05:55 MST 2005

On 20:23, Sun 14 Aug 05, Bjorn Ove Kristiansen wrote:
> Hey all!
> Have configured a Cisco 7960 with no problems, put up an TFTP server and it
> downloaded new sip binaries ? all went well.
> However, now I am having trouble getting two 7040s to work. Basically, my
> problem is the above stated error message. If I had any entries in the TFTP
> logfile, I could probably solve this problem. But the thing is, it just
> doesn?t look as if the phones are connecting to TFTP at all.
> Figured I?ll use a packet sniffer to find out which IP-address the phone
> uses for connecting to a TFTP. That turned out to be rather complicated.
> First, since I run routers and switches, sniffing packets on the LAN is a
> hard task. Then I sat up a wireless connection to the internet and onnected
> the phone to the computer using a shared internet connection, hoping that
> Windows built-in DHCP server would get the packets flowing. It did, but no
> packets could tell me which IP-address the phone is trying to reach?
> Is there any way of getting to know which IP address Cisco uses to contact
> Regards,
> Bjorn


I have put this in my dhcpd.conf to make sure my cisco
phones connect to my TFTP server:
server-name "";

I use the ISC dhcpd for Debian.

Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.info
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7E0B9A2D

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