[Asterisk-Users] How to fix a Blue Alarm?? Line Noise?

Peter Svensson psvasterisk at psv.nu
Fri Aug 12 13:14:52 MST 2005

On Fri, 12 Aug 2005, Bruce Ferrell wrote:

> Hardware, possible.  Unlikely to be cabling.  It's usually a timing setting.

The blue alarm is really a very specific alarm condition normally. It 
cannot quite see how it can be generated accidentally. Something along the 
path from the TE110P transmitter to the decoder in the pbx generates a 
AIS condition on the line. Theoretically a repeater or converter 
withing the pbx could generate the AIS condition on the line.

Another option is that the pbx uses the term "blue alarm" for something 
other than the normal AIS signal on a T1. 

Disturbances and frame slips would normally generate a local OOF 
condition, eventually triggering a local red alarm and sending of yellow 
alarm indication to the remote side.


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