[Asterisk-Users] Zultys ZIP 4x5

Michael Graves mgraves at mstvp.com
Thu Aug 11 07:13:12 MST 2005

>--Original Message Text---
>From: scott kerschner
>Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 16:58:07 +1000
>Hi peoples  
>Can anyone tell me if the Zultys Zip 4x5 supports iax protocols or if they have configured one before for iax.  
>If you have a sample config file that would be great. Any assistance would be nice  

No. The 4x5 is a SIP device. I had one for a while but gave it up in
favor of a Polycom IP600.


Michael Graves                           mgraves at pixelpower.com
Sr. Product Specialist                          www.pixelpower.com
Pixel Power Inc.                                 mgraves at mstvp.com

fwd 54245

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