[Asterisk-Users] Supervised transfer problem with BudgetTone

Eric Wieling aka ManxPower eric at fnords.org
Thu Aug 11 05:57:36 MST 2005

steve at daviesfam.org wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Nicolas Schmerber wrote:
>>All the features I need work just not one : the supervised call 
>>transfers. I know there are a lot of posts about that, but none gave me 
>>the correct answer (unless I missed it).
> Hi,
> You'll need to switch to the CVS-HEAD version of Asterisk in order to have 
> supervised transfers.

Not quite correct.  You can do supervised transfers with 1.0.x if your 
phone supports it.  Last I heard GS Budgetone does not support 
supervised transgers.

Eric Wieling * BTEL Consulting * 504-210-3699 x2120

r: Generate a ringing tone for the calling party, passing no audio from
the called channel(s) until one answers. Use with care and don't insert
this by default into all your dial statements as you are killing call
progress information for the user. Really, you almost certainly do not
want to use this. Asterisk will generate ring tones automatically where
it is appropriate to do so. "r" makes it go the next step and
additionally generate ring tones where it is probably not appropriate to
do so.

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