[Asterisk-Users] SPA 841 form SIPURA

Paul Dugas paul at dugas.cc
Sun Aug 7 15:26:16 MST 2005

On Sun, August 7, 2005 1:15 pm, Thierry Wehr said:
> This is not true
> You have to switch to last firmware and/or disable silent suppression

I believe Thierry is not alone in having success with these units.  I
cannot explain it but my guess is that there are some inconsistencies in
their hardware or something in the myriad of configuration setting is
awry.  I've been contacting Sipura for help with the problems but have
received nothing other than "try this updated firmware".  I've been
religiously checking for, and installing, any upgrades posted on their
support site.  None have addressed the handset voice quality or inaudible
speaker-phone problems I am getting.

I intend to keep one of the 7 I have as a test unit but will be ebay'ing
the other 6; gently used, original packaging if anybody's interested ;)

Paul Dugas, Computer Engineer           Dugas Enterprises, LLC
paul at dugas.cc     phone: 404-932-1355   522 Black Canyon Park
http://dugas.cc     fax: 866-751-6494   Canton, GA 30114 USA

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