[Asterisk-Users] SPA 841 form SIPURA

Paul Dugas paul at dugas.cc
Sun Aug 7 07:11:10 MST 2005

On Sun, August 7, 2005 2:07 am, varun_saa at vsnl.net said:
> How good is :SPA 841 form SIPURA.

Not good if voice quality is a requirement.  Talking on the handset sounds
to the caller and callee like you're on one of those really old
speakerphones that clips the beginning of each phrase after a pause. 
There's a ramp-down of white-noise at the end of each phrase.

The speakerphone is totally useless as the user is completely inaudable
unless yelling with their face directly in front of the unit.

I've fiddled with a batch of 7 of them, with little useful support from
Sipura by-the-way, for a few months and finally gave up last week.  I
ordered a batch of Polycom IP501 units to replace them.

I should also mention that Sipura's support systems appear to have
recently changed.  I used to get a real person with a useful response or
valid request for more info within a day, usually within a few hours.  I
just had a SPA-3000 fail with a hardware problem and spent over a week
going back and forth with a tech support person who was obviously just
cutting and pasting responses from a crib sheet.  He knew almost nothing
about the product and didn't understand wat I was writing.  Tech support
has gone from good to intolerable IMHO.

Their SIP implementations seem fine.  I've not had any trouble getting
them to work with Asterisk.  I like their ATAs and the SPA-3000 is awesome
IMHO.  Their 841 is a unmentinable corpse-strewn horror.  Their support is
going to the dogs with their recent acquisition by Linksys/Cisco.

My $0.02,


Paul Dugas, Computer Engineer           Dugas Enterprises, LLC
paul at dugas.cc     phone: 404-932-1355   522 Black Canyon Park
http://dugas.cc     fax: 866-751-6494   Canton, GA 30114 USA

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