[Asterisk-Users] WHat does it take

steve at daviesfam.org steve at daviesfam.org
Tue Aug 2 13:57:59 MST 2005

> "Can somebody please help here. At least respond and call me a moron. 
> I have tried everything. I finally gave up and installed asterisk at home 
> from the iso and I am back to the exact same problem. Everything seems 
> to work but my extensions are all busy. I used the AMP setup tool to 
> add my zap extensions. If I view the console this is what happens when 
> I call form one extension to the next. In the extensions setup when it 
> asks what channel do I have to use a 2 digit number or something? This 
> is a Digium TDM22B card. All the zaptel stuff seems to be working. And 
> I can call out as well."

Uses crystal ball...

OK - 

  - log into your asterisk at home system (username root, password password)
  - type "asterisk -r" and hit enter
  - you will see a CLI> prompt
  - type "set verbose 9" and hit enter
  - plug a phone into one of the FXS ports, and pick up the handset.
  - Look at the message "Starting simple switch on 'Zap/2-1'" or similar
  - Note the first number after the Zap/ - that is the channel number for 
    that phone.
  - Now plug into the other FXS port and repeat - that is the other 
    channel number.
  - Now go to Asterisk at Home's AMP page for extensions and add type "Zap"
    extensions for the two channel numbers.
  - pick up one phone, dial the extension of the other.  hear ringing.


  - you did remember to plug a power connector into your TDM22B card, 
  - and you have detected yout zaptel card?  (type help-aah for help)


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