[Asterisk-Users] WHat does it take

Eric Wieling aka ManxPower eric at fnords.org
Tue Aug 2 10:27:57 MST 2005

Tim King wrote:

> How many times do you ask for help here before getting a respone? Every
> single thing I do No matter what I get busy extensions. I am willing to pay
> someone to help here. Anybody got a clue?

Once is enough.  Perhaps you did not provide enough information for 
anyone to help you.  Perhaps your problem is compex enough that nobody 
can help.

There are many consultants around that will do Asterisk Work-For-Hire. 
  Digium also has paid support options.

Generally, I don't respond to people that post in HTML, people that 
don't write a readable and logical message, and people that ask the 
same question on the mailing lists over and over.  Actually that last 
catagory can get the person in my .procmailrc and have their messages 
automatically deleted.

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
Mark Twain

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