[Asterisk-Users] Is There Media Accelerator For Better Asterisk Calls

chawki hammoud cyhammoud at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 28 03:04:23 MST 2005

--- Matt Riddell <matt.riddell at sineapps.com> wrote:

> In order to try and confirm this, see if small
> packets get loss.
There was a packet loss in all the codecs i used, but
it's hard to tell whether the packet percentage loss
is gretaer or less at different codecs and how that
help in solving the issue. 

> The other option (if you have access to the egress
> point - router etc) 

My * box is behind the nat from a small isp and i
don't have access to anything besides my box.

I appreciate your feedback about IP compression. If
all my voice calls' destinations are known, what can I
do to reduce the ip header bandwidth. That might not
help me here, but it will in other type of internet

The other option I like to try is to to install some
accelerator to make more bandwidth available to my
asterisk box. 

I appreciate any more suggestions.

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