[Asterisk-Users] MOH

Nabeel Jafferali asterisk-lists at x2n.ca
Wed Apr 27 18:05:26 MST 2005


I just set up * on a new server, MOH does not work.

Musiconhold.conf has:

default => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3

Extensions.conf has:

exten => 000,1,Answer
exten => 000,2,Musiconhold(default)

Dialing 000 gives the correct MOH.

However, when I receive a call and place it on hold, there is no MOH played.
This is what * says:

    -- Executing Dial("SIP/toronto1-f648", "SIP/nabeel2|25") in new stack
    -- Called nabeel2
    -- SIP/nabeel2-8329 is ringing
    -- SIP/nabeel2-8329 answered SIP/toronto1-f648
    -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/toronto1-f648 and SIP/nabeel2-8329
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/toronto1-f648
    -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/toronto1-f648

There was only silence, no MOH played. I don't think it's mpg321/123, since
dialing 000 plays it OK. Anyone have any ideas?

Nabeel Jafferali
X2 Networks
T: 1.647.722.6900
F: 1.866.655.6698
FWD: 46990

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