[Asterisk-Users] Static and echo on PRI

Michael Welter mike at introspect.com
Sun Apr 24 20:23:27 MST 2005

Mark Johnson wrote:
> Michael Welter wrote:
>> Try 'vmstat 1'--are you getting 40% "system" utilization every <n> 
>> seconds?  If so, unload the wcfxo and wcfxs modules and test again.
> I tested and I do in fact get from 40-50% system util every 5 seconds or 
> so.  After removing the wctdm module, the system util drops to 0 and 
> stays there.  I have not loaded the wcfxs and wcfxo modules because I 
> could never get them to work right.  I instead load the wctdm and it has 
> seemed to work fine.  I only need to make the fx port to the paging 
> system work and the others can stay idle.  What modules and order so you 
> suggest.  Here is what I load in this order:
> wct4xxp
> wctdm
Do you still have the static on the PRI without the TDM modules?

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