[Asterisk-Users] sm bounty validate length of e164/e212 number for all countries

Thomas Miller thomasamillergoogle at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 24 11:15:04 MST 2005

I am building a simple form validation that needs to
do a simple validation on the _length_ of a  phone
number. As we all know, different countries have
different phone number lengths.

For example, Australia phone numbers can be either 6
or 7 digits, while USA phone numbers are always 10

I need a *CSV or database* of any kind that will
give me the min and max for the phone number length.

I need current data, but it does not have to be up to
the minute. My form validation is _not_ going to be
strict. It will just say "Your country of origin is
Australia. You only entered 5 digits, but Australian
phone numbers are usually 6 or 7 digits. Do you want
to proceed?"

If you can help me get this data, I will provide a
small bounty for your help. I really appreciate it.
The data I need is available at
but it is way more data then I need, and $5000 per

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