[Asterisk-Users] * not send SIP Notify for IAX2 channel

Michael George george at mutualdata.com
Thu Apr 21 07:51:07 MST 2005

I am trying to get * to send a SIP notify to my SIP phone when an IAX2 channel
goes active.

* (1.0.5) is accepting the Subscribe and sending the notify just fine with the
SIP channels and Zap channels, but not this IAX2 channel.

I have this in my context as the hint:
exten => 200,hint,IAX2/PewTest at

and the channel use to dial that extension is:
IAX2/PewTest at (with no context or extension needed)

When I press the key that is loaded with that hint, the channel is dialed (and
then the light will stay lit, but that's not the result of the NOTIFY)
correctly.  If I dial the extension directly, the NOTIFY is not sent.

However, when another channel dials the IAX2 channel, the NOTIFY is only
sent for the "other channel", not the IAX2 channel.

Is there some reason that * wouldn't send a NOTIFY for an IAX2 channel?

Thank you.


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	Those who can count in binary and those who cannot.

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