[Asterisk-Users] Problems with a SMS-capable Phone on a ZAP Channel / Question about native bridging on digium cards

Carsten Bock bock at basis-audionet.de
Fri Apr 15 04:38:34 MST 2005

Hi Everybody,

We just changed our setup from a "classic" PBX connected directly via 
PRI to the PSTN to a PBX-Asterisk-PRI-PSTN Setup.
My question: Does anyone on this list know, how the Digium Cards handle 
the native bridges between two Zap-Channels? Is it handled on the Digium 
card or by the Zaptel driver (= in Software?). How is it handled by 
other cards? I know Aculab does the native bridges in hardware, but what 
about sangoma or digium?

I have a next question: Does anyone has experiences with the "T-Com 
Sinus 701 MMS" (i guess this is equivalent to Siemens S440) and sending 
SMS'es over Asterisk Zap Channels? We have the problem, that this client 
is no longer able to send SMS via the Asterisk Box. Quite strange, the 
telephone hangs up just before the SMS Center (01930100) is able to 
Anyone experienced these problems before?

Thanks in advance,


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