[Asterisk-Users] ztdummy

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at cohens.org.il
Thu Apr 14 01:39:16 MST 2005

On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 02:45:18PM -0700, Brian Leyton wrote:
> I installed a couple of Asterisk test machines, and have been successful in
> getting them talking to one another, but I have question.
> After installation, I put an x100p clone in one of the machines.  From what
> I understand, I no longer need ztdummy on that machine, but I'm wondering if
> it hurts anything.  

I want to stress that question:

If you a zaptel hardware, does ztdummy hurts, or simply makes no

- In kernel 2.4

- In Kernel 2.6

Is Zaptel hardware timing still better than ztdummy on kernel 2.6?

Tzafrir Cohen         | New signature for new address and  |  VIM is
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