[Asterisk-Users] Interesting Cisco 7960 issue, the phone picks up without me!

Craig Simon linux at craigsimon.net
Tue Apr 12 22:09:59 MST 2005

Hello list,

I have received great help with other questions, so here goes another 
one.  I have configured * for SIP access to my broadvoice account and 
incoming and outgoing calling work well.  Now I would like to change 
from the sip softphone that I was testing with to a Cisco 7960G and 7920 
that I picked up on eBay.

I made some changes to my incoming dialplan and skinny.conf to support 
the 7960, and everything appears to be working well, calling in both 
directions is working.  However I realized that when I changed the 
ringtone on the phone that * must have detected the change also, since I 
heard that when I called the extension?!?!  Wait that's not right, my 
phone has picked up the line when it started ringing and I was hearing 
the phone ring through the speakerphone!  THAT is most definitely NOT a 
good idea!  Any thoughts on why this is?

Here is what the console shows us:

Connected to Asterisk CVS-v1-0-04/08/05-16:59:29 currently running on 
asterisk (pid = 3250)
Verbosity was 6 and is now 7
    -- Executing Answer("SIP/9251234567-e68b", "") in new stack
    -- Executing Wait("SIP/9251234567-e68b", "1") in new stack
    -- Executing Dial("SIP/9251234567-e68b", 
"Skinny/100 at craig_office|25") in new stack
Found device: craig_office
    -- skinny_request(100 at craig_office)
    -- Skinny cw: 0, dnd: 0, so: 0, sno: 0
    -- skinny_call(Skinny/100 at craig_office-2)
    -- Called 100 at craig_office
    -- Skinny/100 at craig_office-2 is ringing
Recieved Open Recieve Channel Ack
skinny_hangup(Skinny/100 at craig_office-2) on 100 at craig_office
  == Spawn extension (from-broadvoice, 100, 3) exited non-zero on 

Here is a snippet of my skinny.conf

; Config for my office 7960G
callerid="Craig Simon" <925-123-4567>
linelabel="My company" ; Displays next to the line button on 7940's and 
line => 100

And here is my dialplan for incoming calls:


exten => 100,1,Answer
exten => 100,2,Wait(1)
exten => 100,3,Dial(Skinny/100 at craig_office,25)
exten => 100,4,VoiceMail(u${EXTEN})
exten => 100,5,Hangup

Not sure if I can provide any additional information to help unravel 
this one. 

Thanks again in advance.

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