[Asterisk-Users] Can you comment on this Qos script? How does one shape RTP?

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Mon Apr 11 17:01:33 MST 2005

--On Monday, April 11, 2005 7:08 AM -0700 Sean Kennedy 
<skennedy at tpno-co.org> wrote:

> Does a great job.  My only fear is it doesn't specifically target IAX2
> traffic as high priority, but I can modify it later to do so if needed.

Just add some iptables rules to prioritize UDP traffic by marking them with 
TOS. (I do this to prioritize game packets at home.)

iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p udp -j TOS --set-tos 0x10
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p udp -j TOS --set-tos 0x10
iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -p udp -j TOS --set-tos 0x10

Wondershaper puts packets marked TOS 0x10 into the high priority queue.

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