[Asterisk-Users] Re: Using manager interface to play aanouncmentsinaMeetMe

Dan Austin Dan_Austin at Phoenix.com
Mon Apr 11 14:52:53 MST 2005

>[top-posting to continue the tradition here, and because there's so
>much context below - sorry]
	Sorry.  I'm stuck with Outlook, and far too often forget
	to fix the posting.

>How about encoding the conference number in the extension dialled?
>You can use whatever prefix you like. So something like this:

>exten => _conf.,1,Answer
>exten => _conf.,2,MeetMe(${EXTEN:4}|q)
>exten => _conf.,3,Hangup

>exten => endmsg,1,Answer
>exten => endmsg,2,Playback(this-conf-will-end-in-5-minutes)
>exten => endmsg,3,Hangup
	I like it.  A lot.  Unfortunately it does not seem to work
	for me on 1.0.7.  Watching the console, I see the manager
	logon, but the extensions are never matched.  I'll hang on
	to the idea though.
>Then you just do:

>Action: Originate
>Channel: Local/conf$CONFNUM at mm-announce
>Context: mm-announce
>Exten: endmsg
>Priority: 1

>You don't need any variables or DBputs then.


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