[Asterisk-Users] 4 x ISDN2 hardware...?

Rémi Letot asterisk at poukram.net
Mon Apr 11 11:25:55 MST 2005

"Marc" <mailings at bhosted.nl> writes:

> Hi,
> I've done some testing with asterisk and I must say I'm very impressed by
> all the features. Now I want to create a production environment and am
> looking into all the available ISDN cards. The cards I've found are:
> 1. AVM C4 (1300 euro's)
> 2. Eicon Diva with 4 ISDN2 ports (even more expensive)
> 3. Junghanss card with 4 ISDN2 ports (600 euro's)
> Besides the voice part, I would also like to be able to receive and send
> faxes. Which card is best?
> If I understand it correctly, the junghanss card is a 4 port HFC card. I
> tested Asterisk with another 1 port HFC card and rxfax, but found out that
> not all faxes are received correctly. As my business is depending on faxes,
> I find it very important that the incoming faxes are received correctly.
> Does anybody have experience with receiving faxes with the AVM C4? I assume
> that it is fully supported by Asterisk and the analog modem to receive faxes
> as implemented in the hardware of the AVM C4?

I don't have the C4, but I have C2, B1, and Fritz out there, all
working flawlessly with chan_capi for * and capi4hylafax for
faxes. Capi makes it simple to share one device between multiple
applications, just configure the MSN's each app should manage, and it
just works. Haven't tried it with DDIs yet, but it shouldn't be more



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