[Asterisk-Users] Re: Broadvoice

Craig Simon linux at craigsimon.net
Wed Apr 6 21:59:16 MST 2005

Thanks for the feedback Don,

It did change the behavior, but not realy fix the problem.  Now what 
happens is that it rings 6 times and then goes into broadvoice 
voicemail.  I do not hear any rings on my softphone, or see anything in 
debug on the console.

I would love to see your configs to figure out what is going on.  Or any 
other suggestions.

Thanks much

Don Nightingale wrote:

>This was a PITA to figure out.  Broadvoice sends the phone# as the extension
>on incoming calls, modify your extensions.conf:
>exten => <YOURBVPHONENUM>,1,Dial(SIP/500,60,tr)
>exten => <YOURBVPHONENUM>,2,hangup
>It should then do exactly what you want.  I have almost the exact setup you
>do, but I run the latest CVS head since it's just a toy for me right now.
>If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll send you my sip.conf and
>extensions.conf for comparison.

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