[Asterisk-Users] Problem with livevoip dial out

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Fri Apr 1 06:41:17 MST 2005

> I am starting to use livevoip but when I configure they way they suggest, I see errors.
> [livevoip]
> exten =>_51NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/myusername:mypassword at${EXTEN:1})
> Heres the error message:
>     -- Executing Dial("IAX2/livevoip at", "1000|15") in new stack
> Mar 31 22:31:07 WARNING[27589]: app_dial.c:920 dial_exec_full: Dial argument takes format
> (technology1/[device:]number1&technology2/[device:]number2...|optional timeout)

I'm using the same formatted Dial statement as you're showing above.
However, when I place a call, the CLI shows:

 -- Executing Dial("SIP/3000-a05a", "IAX2/myuserid:mypassword at
21234567") in new stack
 -- Called myuserid:mypassword at
 -- Call accepted by (format gsm)
 -- Format for call is gsm

If you compare my CLI output to yours, it suggests the actual Dial
statement that you are executing is _not_ the one you've shown above.

If you look closely at your CLI output above, you apparently are
executing a dial statement that looks something like:
  exten =>_51NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/livevoip,15/${CallerID})
and not the one shown.

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