[Asterisk-Users] How to generate "ringing tone" to a calling

Joe Greco jgreco at ns.sol.net
Wed Nov 17 15:04:16 MST 2004

> Joe Greco wrote:
> >>Who to generate "ring tone" to a calling party when the call is passed
> >>to an extension.
> >>
> >>The asterisk answers correctly, plays welcome message and ring an
> >>extension, but the caller does not here the rings.
> > 
> > 
> > Did you tell Asterisk to indicate ringing?
> Asterisk will ALWAYS indicate ringing if it can.
> The "r" option to Dial, Playtones, and Ringing are all hacks/workarounds 
> for when Asterisk cannot indicate ringing to the calling party.  You 
> should diagnose and fix the real problem, rather than try hiding the issue.

I have to confess that I don't understand the "real problem", then.

What else are you supposed to do when you've already answered a channel
and you then want the caller to hear ringing?  It didn't seem to work
automatically, and I'm certainly not convinced that it should.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
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