[Asterisk-Users] Linksys

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Mon May 31 11:37:03 MST 2004

Stefan de Konink wrote:
> Is Asterisk not a *little bit* too much for that processor? SER could be a
> better choice?
The asterisk binary alone is larger than the total flash ram space on the linksys.

I really doubt it's going to work....


Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>  Key ID: 104D/4F4B6917 2003-09-13
Fingerprint: 063C AFB4 3026 F724 0AA2  02B8 E547 470E 4F4B 6917

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