[Asterisk-Users] Caller ID with BT CD50

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Thu May 27 16:48:02 MST 2004

David J Carter wrote:
> Where would I find cdr-csv?

Usually in /var/log/asterisk

> The line looks funny because of the line breaks.
> zapata.conf
> ukcallerid=yes
> callerid=asreceived
> signalling=fxs_ks
> channel => 1 : BT line
> channel => 2 : Telewest line
I also have immediate=yes, but that shouldn't affect anything.

Are you sure you've updated the modules correctly (done make/make install, 
done an rmmod on the old zaptel module and a modprobe on the new one)?

There isn't much to go wrong beyond that... if you run asterisk with debugging 
you'll get a log if it finds a callerID but it's basically the same that goes 
into the cdr-csv file.


Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>  Key ID: 104D/4F4B6917 2003-09-13
Fingerprint: 063C AFB4 3026 F724 0AA2  02B8 E547 470E 4F4B 6917

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