[Asterisk-Users] Downgrading Asterisk

Nicolas Gudino nicolas at house.com.ar
Tue May 25 13:58:05 MST 2004

Hi Nik

Nik Martin wrote:
> I upgraded to the latest HEAD version of asterisk, and all IAX calls started
> sounding choppy.  It was suggested on the IRC channel that I go back to
> asterisk -stable to determine if that fixes it.  Is downgrading as simple as
> upgrading?  Because now, -stable builds fine, but I get an error on the
> asterisk console when starting, something about "ast_get_txt"  not found.
> Recompiling and installing asterisk HEAD afterwards works just fine.
> Any ideas?

Try deleting or moving all the modules from /usr/lib/asterisk/modules 
before performing the "make install" with the old version.

Nicolas Gudino
House Internet S.R.L.
Buenos Aires - Argentina

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