[Asterisk-Users] 2 Sip phones behind un-natted Asterisk

Chad Brown chad.brown at identitymine.com
Mon May 24 00:29:15 MST 2004

I have 2 SIP phones (Cisco 7960 & XTen) behind a NAT provided by a
Linksys firewall that supports UPnP.  The Asterisk server has a public
IP. Here are the problems that I am having with this configuration...


1.	The 2 SIP phones can call MeetMe and have a conference but
cannot call each other. (Yes, they connect but no audio either
2.	I have verify=yes in the sip.conf for both phones. Both phones
constantly go Unreachable. (However, the connection is very fast between
* and sip phones)
3.	Sometimes but not always when I try to call phone1 phone2 rings.


Is this Nat messing with me or something else? In any case...Any advice
out there?




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