[Asterisk-Users] e164.org

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Sat May 22 18:08:25 MST 2004

Simon Dorfman wrote:

> I wonder if someone can help me understand this.  Let's say I configure my
> asterisk box to use e164 and then I try to call a phone number in Germany.
> I'm in the U.S.A.  So if the number I'm calling in Germany is registered in
> e164's dns, would my call be routed directly via their voip provider?  Or
> directly to their asterisk box?  And would it be free?

 From the looks of it, they're just a directory... it looks like their not 
running asterisk themselves.

They use something called EnumLookup which I guess is some kind of 
plugin/script.  If the number you're calling is in their database, it calls 
the VOIP number directly, otherwise it calls the POTS number

It's an interesting idea.  Of course having a huge database of 
names/addresses/phone numbers can be quite lucrative too.....


Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>  Key ID: 104D/4F4B6917 2003-09-13
Fingerprint: 063C AFB4 3026 F724 0AA2  02B8 E547 470E 4F4B 6917

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