[Asterisk-Users] voicemail removal script

Roger grunky at rockriver.net
Fri May 21 13:51:34 MST 2004

I'd like to propose a change to the voicemail remove script found in the 
contrib directory of the asterisk source

Currently the find command looks like so

system('find '.$dir.'/'.$context.' -name msg????.??? -mtime +'.$age.' 
-exec rm {} \; -exec echo Deleted {} \;');

I'd suggest it be changed to

system('find '.$dir.'/'.$context.'/*/Old -name msg????.??? -mtime 
+'.$age.' -exec rm {} \; -exec echo Deleted {} \;');

with the additional


The script will only delete messages that have been listened to and not 
new ones.

If you'd want to remove new unheard messages perhaps have 2 age 
variables, quickly delete old listened to messages and slowly delete - 
if at all - new unheard messages.

system('find '.$dir.'/'.$context.'/*/INBOX -name msg????.??? -mtime 
+'.$newage.' -exec rm {} \; -exec echo Deleted {} \;');
system('find '.$dir.'/'.$context.'/*/Old -name msg????.??? -mtime 
+'.$ageold.' -exec rm {} \; -exec echo Deleted {} \;');

Rock River Internet                          Roger Grunkemeyer
202 W. State St, 8th Floor                grunky at rockriver.net
Rockford, IL 61101                           815-968-9888 x102

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