[Asterisk-Users] Fedora Core 2 and Kernel 2.6

Joshua M. Thompson funaho at jurai.org
Thu May 20 09:45:00 MST 2004

On Thu, 2004-05-20 at 12:04, WipeOut wrote:

> Thanks for the try but its didn't work.. Got exactly the same result..

Apparently the FC2 2.6.5 kernel has another issue, one that I didn't
start seeing until 2.6.6 (I build my own kernel RPMs.) There are a few
files that are auto generated by the Makefile. The complete directions
to set up your source tree are thus:

cp configs/config-for-my-kernel .config
make oldconfig
make include/asm
make include/linux/version.h
make SUBDIRS=scripts

A pain in the butt but at least you only have to do this once after
installing a new kernel-source RPM.

Joshua M. Thompson <funaho at jurai.org>

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