[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk to IAXTel help

Ben Witso benw at bgwcomp.com
Tue May 18 20:23:48 MST 2004

I'm trying to make a call from an IAXPhone client - through the * PBX 
to an 888 number using the IAXTel link. I'm using the basic conf files 
for extensions and iax. I get successfully connected (at the 
"Attempting native bridge" line of the output) and am then able to talk 
both ways for 20 to 30 seconds and then the IAX phone appears off line. 
If I wait on the PSTN line for another 30-45 seconds, I get the Hungup 
lines in the trace. I've tried jitterbuffer=no and then 
jitterbuffer=yes with dropcount=3 maxjitterbuffer=500 
maxexcessbuffer=100 (defaults in the iax.conf) and neither setting 

What is wrong?

TIA for any help!!!!!!

Here is the console output:

     -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from, requested 
format = 2, actual format = 2
     -- Executing Dial("IAX2[2002 at 2002]/1", 
"IAX2/username:password at iaxtel.com/1888nnnnnnn at iaxtel") in new stack
     -- Called username:password at iaxtel.com/1888nnnnnnn at iaxtel
     -- Call accepted by (format GSM)
     -- Format for call is GSM
     -- IAX2[]/3 stopped sounds
     -- IAX2[]/3 stopped sounds
     -- IAX2[]/3 answered IAX2[2002 at 2002]/1
     -- Attempting native bridge of IAX2[2002 at 2002]/1 and 
May 18 21:45:35 WARNING[1133718208]: chan_iax2.c:1136 attempt_transmit: 
Max retries exceeded to host on IAX2[2002 at 2002]/1 (type = 
6, subclass = 11, ts=14828, seqno=11)
     -- Hungup 'IAX2[]/3'
   == Spawn extension (from-iax, 1888nnnnnnn, 1) exited non-zero on 
'IAX2[2002 at 2002]/1'
     -- Hungup 'IAX2[2002 at 2002]/1'

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